Monday, February 18, 2008

Oh...what a day!

Today started bright and early (5am) usual! What in the world would I do if I got more than 5-6 hours of uninterurpted sleep? My body would probably go into some sort of major shock!!!

Anywho...I'm exhausted! We left out bright and early this morining. Headed to Baton Rouge. The reason?!?! Kaitlyn had to go get her 2nd set of shots. But, while we were up and dressed this morning we left and headed to Hobby Lobby!! Whoo-hoooo!!! I thought that it would have been an awesome trip, but really....I should have known better. I love...LOVE...LOVE craft stores!!! AND Hobby Lobby SUCKS! Everytime I go in there the store just looks worse and worse! No selection what so ever! I was really disappointed! One day, I'll remember that tid-bit of information and go somewhere else. I just have high hopes that they have new stock in....

So anyway, while there I called JB to meet up for lunch. He says alright, I'll be there in about 15 minutes. Welllllllllllllllllllllll.....................while waiting, I decided now is a good time to change Kaitlyn's diaper. Well...little miss thang.....pees all over me! Now how in the world am I supposed to face other mommies and daddies in the waiting room at the doctors office?!?! Much less, the people at Taco Bell where I was fixing to have lunch? Well...fortunatly for dried up really quick (and didn't stink, I think)! I was the one wearing peepee pants this time. ***Making mental note: bring mommy a clean set of clothes***

As for my knitting...nothing got done today :o( Oh wait....I did buy another set of needles, and somemore Sugar 'n Cream yarn, and some super soft aqua colored yarn!!! And a new pattern book, and....well...ok I did get something done knitting wise today...teeheehee....maybe tomorrow I'll actually get some more rows done. Hopefully...if all goes right, I'll finsh my cell phone sleeve.

Gone to give tooter bug a bath...

Lata, yall


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